SA Congress Meetings

Congress is the legislative branch of the Student Association. It consists of 35 student representatives, elected to office by their respective residential communities each fall.

Congress meets biweekly on Tuesdays, with committee meetings occurring on the off weeks. As Congress meetings are open to the public, all are welcome to attend on designated meeting nights.

Fall 2024 Meeting Dates:
9/10, 9/24, 10/8, 11/12, 11/26 and 12/3
Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: LH 009

Service Hours
Did you know?
You can easily track service hours in B-Engaged!

Using B-Engaged you can quickly upload or verify service hours for members of your organization.

You can also create and post public community service opportunities so students outside your organization can join in and help out!

Service Hours
Food Policy
SA Chartered organizations:
University Food Policy
The University maintains a campus-wide food policy governing the use of food at any on-campus events. All SA Chartered Organizations (in addition to the rest of the university community) are expected to know and follow the food policy. As you plan events with food, please be sure to read the new food policy in its entirety to ensure your organization does not get sanctioned for inadvertently violating this policy!
Food Policy
SA at a Glance
Executive Board

Elected each spring by the student body:
• President
• Executive Vice President
• Vice President for Finance
• Vice President for Student Success
• Vice President for Multicultural Affairs
• Vice President for Programming
• Numerous executive assistants in each office

SA Congress

• 35 Representatives elected each fall by community governments
• Advocate for policy changes and improvements
to campus to benefit other students
• Standing committees to help govern the SA
• Internal Affairs (IA)
• Student Life & Academics (SLA)
• Finance Committee (FINCO)
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

SA Businesses

• Art Co-op & Supply Shop
• Binghamton Sound, Stage,
and Lighting (BSSL)
• ESCAPE Charter Bus Service
• Food Co-op & Café
• SA Ink Copy & Print Center

Student Organizations

Over 250 student organizations covering:
• Cultural affinity & education
• Volunteer & Service
• Media Production
• Performance
• Special Interest

Visit B-Engaged for an up-to-date listing of all SA-Chartered Organizations!

SA Services

• WHRW Radio Station
• OCCT Shuttle Buses
• Harpur’s Ferry Ambulance
• Pipedream Newspaper
• SEEK Mental Health Hotline
• SA Advocates

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