Internal Affairs
Student Life & Academics
- September 15, 2020
- F2021-R1: An Act Amending the SA Congress Fall 2020 Calendar
- Vote: 26-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R1: An Act Amending the SA Congress Fall 2020 Calendar
- September 29, 2020
- October 13, 2020
- F2021-R2: Resolution Stating Support for an On-Campus Violation, Abuse, and Rape Crisis Center
- Vote: 30-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R2: Resolution Stating Support for an On-Campus Violation, Abuse, and Rape Crisis Center
- October 27, 2020
- F2021-R3: Resolution Calling for a University-Wide Day Off on Election Day
- Vote: 25-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R6: Clarifying Management Policies Surrounding Provisionally Chartered Organizations and Discretionary Funding
- Vote: 21-0-4 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R3: Resolution Calling for a University-Wide Day Off on Election Day
- November 10, 2020
- F2021-R4: A Resolution to Protect the Independence of the Community Governments
- Vote: 22-1-6 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R5: Resolution Calling for a Modification of Policy IV, Section 2, Part D of the Management Policies
- Vote: 29-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R7: Creating a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- Vote: 28-2-0 // Resolution Passes
- F2021-R4: A Resolution to Protect the Independence of the Community Governments
- December 1, 2020
- Spring 2021 Congress Calendar
- Vote: 26-0-0 // Calendar Passes
- Spring 2021 Election Calendar
- Vote: 24-0-0 // Election Calendar Passes
- Spring 2021 Budget Calendar
- Vote: 24-1-0 // Budget Calendar Passes
- Spring 2021 Recommendation for Days Off (no link)
- Wednesday, March 17; Thursday, April 8; Tuesday, April 20
- Vote: 26-0-0 // Recommendation for Days Off Passes
- F2021-R8: Condemning Antisemitism in The Binghamton Review
- Vote: 25-0-1 // Resolution Passes
- Spring 2021 Congress Calendar
- February 23, 2021
- S2021-R1: Setting Corporate Scholarship Policies
- Vote: 19-0-1 // Resolution Passes
- Congress Calendar Modification (no link)
- Vote: 20-0-1 // Modification Approved
- S2021-R1: Setting Corporate Scholarship Policies
- February 28, 2021 (special meeting)
- S2021-R2: Reducing Signature Requirements for the 2021 Election Cycle
- Vote: 18-4-0 // Resolution Passes
- S2021-R2: Reducing Signature Requirements for the 2021 Election Cycle
- March 9, 2021
- Confirmation of Election Ballot Names
- Vote: 21-0-5 // Ballot approved
- Confirmation of Election Ballot Names
- March 23, 2021
- S2021-R3: Creating the Position of Parliamentarian
- Vote: 20-0-1 // Resolution Passes
- S2021-R4: Resolution Suggesting the Permanent Addition of Diversity and Inclusivity Education to New Student Orientation
- Vote: 18-1-1 // Resolution Passes
- S2021-R3: Creating the Position of Parliamentarian
- April 6, 2021
- S2021-R5: SA Alumni/Graduate Student Opt-In
- Resolution Passes by Unanimous Consent
- S2021-R5: SA Alumni/Graduate Student Opt-In
- April 27, 2021
- Confirmation of BU Council Election Results
- Vote: 22-3-2 // Results Confirmed
- S2021-R6: Creating a General Body Vote Requirement in the Subsidiary Organization Constitution Amendment Process
- Vote: 23-0-3 // Resolution Passes
- S2021-R7: Amendment to the Spring 2021 Congress Calendar
- Vote: 24-0-3 // Resolution Passes
- S2021-R9/SUNYSA Resolution 2021-103: Combating Antisemitism
- Vote: 22-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- Congress amended S2021-R9 at the 10/8/2024 meeting
- Vote: 22-0-0 // Resolution Passes
- Confirmation of BU Council Election Results
- May 4, 2021
- Speaker Vote for AY2021-2022
- Josh Oommen (12), Ross Mesnick (11) // Josh Oommen wins
- SA Budget for FY2021-22
- Vote: 19-1-0 // Budget Passes
- S2021-R8: Management Policies Updates Regarding Election Reform
- Vote: 18-3-0 // Resolution Passes
- Speaker Vote for AY2021-2022
- May 18, 2021
- Approval of the Fall 2021 Congress Calendar
- Motion passes by unanimous consent
- Confirmation of David Hatami as SA President
- Vote: 24-1-0 // David Hatami confirmed as SA President
- Approval of the Fall 2021 Congress Calendar
Internal Affairs
Student Life & Academics