BU Council 2020 Special Election
The Special Election for BU Council Student Representative was held on Monday, October 12 from 9am-9pm via B-Engaged.
The tentative winner (pending SA and GSO confirmation) is Zachary Herz.
![]() BU Council Student Representative Special Election Results 10/12/2020 We want to send a special thank you to all who took time today to vote in the special election for the next student representative on the Binghamton University Council. The tentative results are in and are awaiting final certification by both the SA Congress and the GSO Senate. ![]() Winner: Zachary Herz The Binghamton University Council is comprised of 10 unpaid members – nine appointed by the governor of New York and the tenth, a student, selected by all undergraduate and graduate students at the University.
All rights reserved © 2020 / Student Association of Binghamton University, Inc. MAP Department |

Ahmed Sultan asultan2@binghamton.edu
Endorsed by: Dickinson, Mountainview
My platform is composed of three core principles: transparency, accountability, and advocacy. Ultimately, they all serve as means of achieving one goal: putting students first, by prioritizing the concerns, wants and needs of the undergraduate and graduate student populations here at Binghamton. With the COVID-19 pandemic, a unique responsibility has been placed upon college students across the nation returning to campuses like ours. We are expected to comply with the new restrictions and social distancing guidelines set upon us—and many of us do—to minimize the risk of spreading the virus throughout the University, and the surrounding community upon which it relies, while still upholding essential day-to-day operations. Binghamton needs a representative to adequately communicate the wants, needs and interests of the student body; especially during such a tumultuous period in the University’s history. If elected to the BU Council, I pledge to communicate the interests of undergraduate and graduate students alike when reviewing student conduct regulations, budget requests and plans for the University’s improvement. I hope to collaborate with members of the student community at Binghamton when coming up with new ideas and assessing plans set forth by the rest of the Council—opening a channel of communication where students can voice their opinions or critiques. Furthermore, I hope to make it easier for students to find and access resources on campus that are provided by the University; working to expand and diversify what programs already exist, and looking into what could possibly be done to either further their reach or create new programs. While I have intentionally avoided promising anything specific—given how unpredictable this academic year has already shaped up to be, I found it more important to focus on my broader goals. However, I pledge to you that, if elected, I will work tirelessly to advocate for the student population. With your help, we can make Binghamton an even greater place to live and learn.
![]() Student Association BU Council Student Representative 9/24/2020 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the SA and GSO Joint Elections Committee will be holding a special election to fill the vacant BU Council Student Representative position on October 12, 2020.
BU Council Description: “The Binghamton University Council is comprised of 10 unpaid members – nine appointed by the governor of New York and the tenth, a student, selected by his or her peers. The council supervises certain University operations, including making recommendations of candidates for president of the University to the State University of New York Board of Trustees. The council also reviews budget requests, makes regulations for student conduct, supervises student housing and safety, names buildings and grounds, and reviews plans for improvement of the faculty, staff and physical plant” (https://www.binghamton.edu/organizations/bu-council/index.html).
The BU Council Representative is a full voting member of the Binghamton University Council in accordance with Article 8 §356 of the NY Education Law and is accountable to both the Student Association (SA) and the Graduate Student Organization (GSO).
Special Election Timeline: Due to the mandated 15 semester class day timeline between notification of a vacancy and the election to fill the BU Council Rep position, there will be a significantly condensed special election timeline:
To learn more about this position and the necessary steps to be on the ballot, please visit the Special Election page on the SA Website or by clicking “More Information” below.
Voting Day October 12th, 2020 Link will be provided at a later date. All rights reserved © 2020 / Student Association of Binghamton University MAP Department |
Special Election Timeline:
- September 24: Letters of Intent period begins
- September 30, 5pm: Letters of Intent due
- October 5, 5pm: Petition deadline
- October 5, 5:15pm: Candidates meeting
- October 9, 5pm: Candidate debate/forum: https://binghamton.zoom.us/j/98865483943
- October 12, 9am – 9pm: Election (via B-Engaged): http://cglink.me/s37615
Position Descriptions and Requirements:
BU Council Representative
The BU Council Representative is a full voting member of the Binghamton University Council in accordance with Article 8 §356 of the NY Education Law and is accountable to both the Student Association (SA) and the Graduate Student Organization (GSO).
The BU Council Representative represents both graduate and undergraduate students and is not a member of the SA E-Board, there are a number of differences:
- 250 signatures required, but may be any combination of undergraduate and graduate students.
- Must be an enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at Binghamton University.
- There is no GPA requirement
If you have any questions about the special election, please contact elections@binghamtonsa.org or visit the SA Office, UUW 203 (past Visions).
All candidates should be familiar with the Student Association’s Constitution and Management Policies.
For the election, all candidates should be sure to read and abide by the requirements set forth in Section IV of the Management Policies (page 14).
- Letter of Intent
- Short cover letter informing committee of your name, contact information, and that you’re running for the BU Council Special Election for the 2020-2021 academic year.
- E-mail this information to elections@binghamtonsa.org
- All candidates must complete the Candidate Affiliation Disclosure Form: Candidate Affiliation Disclosure Form
Upon receipt of the Letter of Intent, the candidate will be granted access to the virtual petition form allowing students to sign up to support them.
- Signatures
- Virtual signatures will be collected via B-Engaged and paper forms will not be accepted.
- 250 unique signatures required from currently enrolled Binghamton University Students.
- Individuals may only sign for one candidate.
Questions about the Student Association elections? Please contact elections@binghamtonsa.org or visit the SA Office, UUW 203 (past Visions).